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Damon And Rebekah Look For The Cure And Rebekah Takes It - The Vampire Diaries 4x18 Scene
TVD 4x18 - Rebekah tells Damon and Stefan where Elena is, Katherine will take them to the cure | HD
Elena And Rebekah Find Katherine - The Vampire Diaries 4x18 Scene
TVD 4x17 - Elena & Rebekah stole Damon's car and his lead to the cure while he was unconscious | HD
Rebekah Finds Out Katherine Stole The Cure - The Vampire Diaries 4x15 Scene
Rebekah And Elena Are Close To Finding Katherine - The Vampire Diaries 4x18 Scene
The Cure Was A Fake One - The Vampire Diaries 4x18 Scene
Katherine Gives The Cure To Elijah - The Vampire Diaries 4x18 Scene
Rebekah Snaps Damon's Neck - The Vampire Diaries 4x17 Scene
Rebekah Wants To Help Elena Find The Cure - The Vampire Diaries 4x17 Scene
TVD 4x13 - Damon, Elena, Rebekah and the others walking around the island | Delena Scenes HD
The Vampire Diaries 4x18 Rebekah & Elijah - You and Katherine? I thought you were the smart brother.